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Spadaro: It's time to appreciate the uniqueness of Jalen Hurts

Eagles Insider Dave Spadaro
Eagles Insider Dave Spadaro

Perhaps we are at times blinded by what Jalen Hurts does at the quarterback position that is just so obvious to see: The big arm and accuracy of his passing, which has grown so much in the three-plus years he's been an Eagle; the ability he has to buy time in and outside of the pocket with his legs; and the dimension he adds to the Eagles' ground game with his running skills, that we miss the big picture and what has brought Hurts to this point in his career.

We miss the third element – or, maybe, we don't consider quite enough – that truly makes Hurts one of the greats in the NFL and, as he approaches the ripe, young age of 25 on August 7, a franchise quarterback who hasn't yet hit the peak of his career.

"I know that I am embracing the uniqueness of my game and just being a triple threat out there, being someone knowledgeable and understanding what's going on out on the field, being able to make those throws, and being able to cause problems on the ground as well, those are the three areas of being a quarterback that I'm embracing and I want to continue to excel at," Hurts said as the Eagles opened Training Camp.

The third element. A triple threat. What brings it all together for Hurts: The mental part of the game.

Combining all three facets and raising all of them to the highest level is what makes Hurts who is he is – that, and, if you want to add the components of his fierce competitiveness and work ethic – and it is not often raised in the conversation when he is analyzed. Hurts came into the league described by some as a "running quarterback" who had to improve his "pocket game" to play good, consistent football in this offense. All along, Hurts has described himself as a "triple threat," and how many of those analysts have taken into account the work he has put into his preparedness, his mastery of the offense, his study habits and recognition of what defenses are trying to do to him?

What is the best way to describe Hurts, the quarterback? He's got it all. He's complete, with his own style.

"We talk about identity, everybody has different styles of doing things and I think that's why quarterback is one of the most unique positions because everybody gets it done in different ways," Hurts said. "I just think my way is a little different and it's rare in a sense. Regardless, I talk about just finding a way to get it done and we have great players on the team and we all play well together and we just want to continue to do that."

The point here is to appreciate Hurts for everything that he is – we applaud the spectacular moments and big plays he provides with his arm and legs – and that must include the cerebral part that is often not recognized. It should be. Hurts has a strong mind to overcome everything he has hurdled in his football career, he has become a student of the NFL game at a very young age, and he has the understanding that there is room to grow, even as he comes off his brilliant 2022 season and everything that came with it.

In a sense, then, you get the feeling from Hurts when he speaks that so much remains to attain for him and for this football team. There is absolutely no sense of accomplishment that he feels after taking the Eagles to Super Bowl LVII. The goals remain, unclutched.

When you watch Hurts play and marvel at his physical skills, remind yourself of what a special quarterback he is intellectually, also. He is a rare "triple threat" quarterback who chases greatness on the daily and then goes out and "gets it done" in his own, complete-quarterback way.

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