Cancer affects everyone. Whether it is you, a family member, or a friend, we all have stories relating to the toll cancer has taken. Many of the Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders are among those who have personal stories to tell.
Along with the NFL, the Philadelphia Eagles are supporting the Crucial Catch initiative to make sure you and everyone are aware of the statistics and can find preventative treatment.
Cancer is devastating. It affects millions in the USA every year. It affects millions more who help those who are going through the battle. No one can win a battle alone. Without support, we cannot win.
"This past January, we lost my stepfather to brain cancer. He was previously diagnosed with lung cancer; had it surgically removed and was presumed in remission. They did not complete a full body scan to see if the cancer had spread and, unfortunately, by the time it was detected, he only had weeks to live. The NFL and the Philadelphia Eagles dedicating a game to awareness and prevention of cancer means so much to our family and countless other families like ours, who have been impacted by cancer in some way.

"Many individuals are hesitant to schedule cancer screenings as they fear receiving bad news. I hope that this game encourages people to get routine screenings to help detect cancer at an early stage. Early detection increases the chances of successful cancer treatments and is an important part of overall healthcare. I am proud to be a part of an organization that brings so much awareness to such a special cause. This game is in honor of my stepfather and for my mother, who continues to inspire me with her strength in such a difficult time of healing." – Cailin

"I think that it is super important that not only the Eagles are holding a game dedicated to cancer prevention and awareness but the entire NFL. Just last year, my world was shaken up when we found out my Nana was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It caught us by surprise because not too long after she had come into town to help out my dad and I after his emergency surgery, we were told the shocking news. My Nana, Stephanie Everette, is the matriarch of the family on my dad's side. She is the sassiest, sweetest, and strongest person I know. During her chemo treatments, my dad and I would visit her in Pittsburgh one to two times a month over the course of May throughout her final treatment in October. On October 11, 2021, my Nana finished her final treatment and beat ovarian cancer. My teammates were super supportive and encouraging to my family and I during those tough months and were always checking in. I'm able to dedicate this Crucial Catch game by dancing in honor of my Nana." – Taylor

"The Philadelphia Eagles and the NFL bringing prevention and awareness to cancer is important to our community and to the NFL fans around the world. Globally, millions of people and their families are affected by cancer every day. I have lost many people in my life who suffered from this illness, and I have many friends who lost loved ones. This disease has been close to home for me, with not only one parent but both of my parents being diagnosed with different forms of cancer. My mother and father are my heroes, and they inspire me each day. As difficult as their battles and struggles were, they are fortunate to have come out stronger and be able to say they are cancer-free today.
"Unfortunately, many people do not have the same story. Cancer is extremely devastating and life-altering for so many people. There is so much we could do as a community to help raise awareness for those in need and I am honored to help as much as possible. The Philadelphia Eagles and the NFL bringing this awareness to light is so empowering and is making a huge difference in our community. I am looking forward to dedicating this game to cancer prevention and awareness and I am honored to perform for my parents and everyone else that has been impacted by cancer." – Ashley

"With cancer sadly being common nowadays, it's very important to me that the Philadelphia Eagles and NFL are dedicating games to cancer prevention and awareness, especially as a person where cancer has affected members of my family and my friend's families. It's particularly important to me that my mother, a recent breast cancer survivor, will be in the stadium for the Crucial Catch game experiencing all the measures the NFL is creating for awareness and that truly 'it takes all of us' to overcome this battle. More importantly, no one is ever alone, and these games target a large population of fans where we can recognize public health concerns and the various cancers to take preventative care. Cancer awareness is the first step in early detection to catch the disease when it's the most treatable. I'm happy to be a part of an organization that emphasizes the support of one another through cancer awareness and prevention efforts." – Kyra

"Cancer is life-altering for everyone it affects. It touches so many people in some capacity – whether they are personally fighting or supporting a family member or friend battling. As a family member of many individuals who have battled cancer, it is extremely important to me that the Philadelphia Eagles and the NFL dedicate a game and messaging to cancer prevention and awareness. Football brings people together. The camaraderie of the sport allows the NFL to use its platform to reach fans worldwide with essential messaging such as early screening for cancer prevention.
"For Philadelphia Eagles fans, our football team represents hope, perseverance, fight, and a never-give-up attitude. The Eagles supporting cancer prevention and awareness gives those battling this disease optimism and a fighter's mentality. My dad has been a Season Ticket Member and die-hard Eagles fan for over 45 years. Because he got early screening when he first started seeing symptoms, he fought prostate cancer and can continue to see the Eagles fight every Sunday. Beyond that, he gets to watch his daughter live out her dream of cheering professionally on Lincoln Financial Field." – Cassie

"It is extremely important that the NFL and the Philadelphia Eagles are having a game dedicated to cancer prevention and awareness. An estimated number of roughly 1.9 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in 2022 (according to the American Cancer Society). With no cure, cancer is still a disease that threatens the lives of so many and impacts the families and friends of those people. My mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2009, so I have personally experienced how cancer affects people. Although my mother survived, there are many who don't. That is why it is so necessary and incredible that the NFL and the Philadelphia Eagles are spreading awareness to hopefully inspire more people to help find a cure to this disease." – Victoria
What is cancer? It is a terrible disease. It does not care how affluent you are. It does not care about your race or gender. Anyone can get it. From skin cancer to breast cancer to lung cancer and more, millions die every year from this disease. Early detection does so much to change the prognosis of the patients. It leads to quicker treatment and more success in defeating the disease. With the Crucial Catch initiative, the Eagles and the NFL hope to make prevention and awareness a priority.