Good morning, Eagles fans! It's a little snowy out there, but it's not too snowy down in Arizona, where six Birds now know which teams they'll be playing for in the Pro Bowl this weekend. It's also not too snowy in Alabama, where the 2015 Senior Bowl is starting to heat up. Catch up on both in our latest batch of headlines ...
The Pro Bowl is, indeed, a really special experience for all players involved, writes Dave Spadaro.
Tony Pauline's risers from Wednesday's Senior Bowl practices down in Alabama.
For rookie kicker Cody Parkey, it's a surreal experience to find himself at the Pro Bowl after just one year in the NFL.
One Eagles fan is on the brink of making fantasy football history in Arizona.
Lane Johnson and Zach Ertz, the Birds' 2013 draft picks, are going to be key for the team's offense moving forward.
On cold, wintry days like Monday, why not take a look back at the Snow Bowl, one of the most memorable Eagles games ever!

Eight inches of snow didn't stop the Cheerleaders

Amanda Grace during an Eagles touchdown!

Amanda Grace on the sidelines

Amanda Rose waiting for the team to be introduced

A view of the cheerleaders from the stands

Casey loving the #SnowBowl

Cat looking as pretty as the snowflakes!

Corinne cheers on the action

Danae dancing in the blizzard-like conditions

Danielle leading a performance in the snow-covered end zones

Deonna on the sidelines!

Janel takes in the action on the field

Malia was all smiles during the Snow Bowl

Pre-game during the Eagles Fight Song

We haven't had this much fun since we were kids

You sure don't see this every game!
Other Views
There's a quarterback competing in the Senior Bowl this week who was recruited by Chip Kelly in college.
The Eagles are taking a long, hard look at a number of the defensive backs at the Senior Bowl.