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Philadelphia Eagles News

FS Brian Dawkins

On McNabb's touchdown dance: "That's him. He likes the 'Thriller' moves, or whatever you want to call it. The Michael Jackson leg kick and all of that—that's him. I welcome it, because if he does it every time he scores, hopefully he does it at least 13 more times, that's 13 more touchdowns. I'll take it."
On whether getting pressure from the defensive line has allowed the defense to not blitz as much: "That's tremendous. We talked about this before the season even started, about the potential of those guys to do just that. That affords (CB) Asante (Samuel) to do what he did—to jump something. To know and have confidence that those guys are going to get pressure on the quarterback; to make that quarterback look to where he is throwing the ball and throw it quick. One of the toughest things to do as a secondary, is when you have a quarterback who knows how to work the safety—to stare down the middle of the field and then at the last second to look to one side or the other and throw the ball. You can't get a jump on that. If you have defensive ends who are able to get to the quarterback off the jump, he can't do that; he has to look where he is throwing the ball and that gives the secondary a chance to jump some things."
On whether there is anything different in preparing for a trip to the west coast: "The biggest thing is going out earlier. Being able to have to get used to the time and all that stuff."
On whether he thinks it is tough for CB Lito Sheppard to stay in the flow of the game because he comes on and off the field: "I know it's tough. Playing defensive back or any position on the field, but especially cornerback, you have to get a feel for things. It's one thing to watch film and see what they are doing, but it's another thing to get on the field and get a feel for it. When you are in there one play and you're out two, three plays and you're back out there again, it's hard to get into a flow. Also, it's just like when you go out and you lose a game, when you lose a game, the wait till that next game is real tough on you as an individual. I know in my case, when we lose the game, I consider myself not to have had a good game. That next game can't come fast enough, so that next play for him I'm pretty sure can't come fast enough for him to get back on the field."
On whether having Seahawks QB Seneca Wallace out there changes things offensively for the Seahawks: "They are going to do the same things, I believe, on their offense. He's been running that offense long to know exactly what coach Holmgren wants him to do, so I don't think that's going to change. The only thing that will change is the fact that you definitely have a more capable running quarterback back there to be able to tuck the ball and get some yards that way, to moving in the pocket. Not saying that (Seahawks QB) Matt Hasselbeck couldn't do his thing, he can do his thing, but there is a difference when it comes to that respect. So, that would be the only thing that you would think would be changed, the fact of that weapon running the ball."
On what he does as a leader on this team to make sure that the team doesn't overlook the Seahawks: "How many games have we lost? That's good enough. We've lost three games. We have no room for error. We have no room to look at this team as not being a good team. We have no room for that. We've lost three games. That in itself is enough to let them understand how important this game is for us."
On whether he would like to see a league replay rule where they always get the call right: "No, I feel good about that. No, I wouldn't like that because I think that the way the rule is set up, not just because we won the game, I think the way the rules are set up right now, you have to be diligent about your timeouts. You have to manage the game, that's a part of it. You have to manage the game and when you want to call the timeouts. I don't think the coach, he would have done anything differently, it's just a fact that the way that it fell."
On whether it is okay to have that as a part of the strategy of the game: "Yeah. We can start reviewing for everything if that's the case. That's review for everything, but you have to be able to allow the coaches and players to be able to manage their part of the game, and managing the game is a part of the coach's responsibilities. He was trying his best to give his quarterback as much time, which I understand. It just so happened, like I said, to fall into a bad situation."
On the way that the defense has gelled together the past couple of games: "I think we got back to doing what we should have been doing. In those games against Washington and San Fran, we made too many mental mistakes, and I keep harping on that because that is the case. Now, there are a couple of matches sometimes that you get dealt with and they win the physical battle sometimes. That does happen, but for the most part, being out of your gap, being out of your assignment as far as run responsibilities allowed both teams to gash us a couple of times. But, last week we got back to what we were doing in the first couple of games, and that's stopping the run, getting them into long-yardage situations and being able to control third down, and that's what we want to be as a defense. So, I think as a defensive unit, you're going to, hopefully, see that continue and not revert back to those other two games of making too many mental mistakes."
On whether he would consider DE Juqua Parker and DE Darren Howard to have had a rebirth of their careers this season: "I think with those two individuals, (what they) took out of it is a challenge, and they met it head on. You can go two ways with a challenge, you can step up and met them head on, take all the criticism, take it in and go out and do your thing and step up to the challenge; or you can back down and say that these people are right, I'm not what I thought I was or what they thought I was going to be and you can not go out and play ball. They haven't done that. They've stepped up; both of them, in major ways in different parts of the season helping us win these ball games."

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