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Philadelphia Eagles News

Offensive Coordinator Marty Mornhinweg

Opening remarks: "Alright, a little review of the last game, it's real simple, we take care of the ball and we'll do a little bit better. It's just that simple and we talked about it last week. So we're continuing to emphasize it, players, coaches and try to get better that way. This game is a heckuva challenge. This defense is very good on film [and] they're ranked high in most every category including third downs, they're number one. They have retooled their front a little bit just personnel-wise; very aggressive, heckuva scheme [and] some of the things are quite unique [and] only a handful of teams do some of these things so our preparation will be key. We'll open it up to questions."

On whether turnovers are a result of players pressing: "Well, it sure can, [but] I'm not sure that's the case here. So I do know this, I've had some experiences, you emphasize it, reemphasize it, and our players, now, are very proud people, proud men [and] they want to take care of the football. Let's get that straight, they want to take care of the football. So we'll just keep emphasizing it, players to players, coaches to players, and we'll get better; typically you get better emphasizing that and we've done some drills, ball security drills and so forth. So that's where we're at. If we take better care of the ball then we'll be in much better shape, that's pretty obvious and pretty simple."

On whether he emphasizes to the players not to try to do too much and win the game on every play: "I'm not going to get into the specific details of what we talk about. However, run the play. And there might have been a couple…but that's not the problem, trying to do too much, I don't think. You know, they come in different scenarios."

On whether the offense can be aggressive and take care of the ball at the same time: "Oh, absolutely, you've seen it in the past. Taking care of the ball is a conscious mindset in every way. And so, it's just that simple. And again, I do know this, emphasize it [because] it's crystal clear [and] typically that part of it gets better. And the aggressiveness part, the natural instinct is to kind of [scale back] and become conservative and that's the wrong approach, I think, normally."

On whether he can dial down the aggressiveness just a little bit to emphasize ball security: "Well, if you look at the turnovers, these are not plays where we're taking big risks."

On whether the play where QB Michael Vick faked a pass one way and turned to throw a screen with two guys in his face is too complex: "No, heck, we do that all the time, come on. Come on. You know, heck, emphasize it, drill it, and typically it will get better."

On his thoughts about WR Steve Smith's lack of production since the dropped pass against the Giants: "Nope, we have specific plays in the gameplan for him. And that was the plan to work him in a little bit. It has nothing to do with the tipped ball interception."

On his thoughts about Smith only having three snaps last week vs. the Bills: "Every game will be different for some of our skill guys."

On his thoughts about some of the unusual things that Washington does on defense: "Well, they cut to you and they blitz and cut and trap you and they do more of it than some teams. There's a handful that do it [but] they tend to do it a little bit more now, this year. They're very aggressive with it [and] I believe they're second in sacks so they can do some of those things in the backend. They're very good all around. Their linebacker, [London] Fletcher, he's I believe [been in the league] for 14 years, and he's playing like he's in his fourth year. So they have great skill and ability and in many cases experience on that football team. They have a great pass rusher, [DE Brian] Orakpo, on the left side. You know number 30 [S LaRon Landry] is just a heckuva ball player [and] you have to know where he is every play. So they have some, and the rest of the pass rushers are very good, too. So they have quite a crew there and they're playing at a high level."

On whether he sees defenses evolving gameplans as Vick's reincarnation of his career progresses: "Yeah. Well, that's normally the case with a really good quarterback. You know, going back, and I've been fortunate enough to coach a lot of great ones, and rarely do you see what they've done the last four or five games, I mean it's a new plan for you. And that has happened this year, not every game. There's been two games that I thought were similar [and] there's been three games that I thought were very dissimilar, a whole new type of plan; defenses are getting more into individual gameplans, as well, specifically for the upcoming team [and] defenses are doing just a little bit more as well."

On his thoughts about Vick this year and the same time last year: "Yeah, and Mike and I have discussed [turnovers] and coming back from a game like he had last Sunday and how you go about your business that way. The differences between this year and last year – he's typically, in his career, very good in the pass game taking care of the ball. So we'll get back to a certain mentality first of all, that's first. Second, sometimes it's a little bit cyclic. There have been several crazy things happen during the year and balls tipped up and these types of things but he's very conscience of it. And I think somebody mentioned it here, that real fine line of staying real aggressive and taking care of the ball; and, there's a real fine line there that the great ones understand. And look, that team has made a living off of tipped balls. The week before they had four interceptions with several tipped balls. And so, we have to do better there [and] there's no question about it. Look, most of our offense is dynamite, and we are running and gunning. Our bad plays aren't our quarterback having to throw it away or taking a sack or plus zero or minus three, our bad plays are turnovers and that can't happen to win games. There are certain things that you have to do to win games and there are certain things that you can't do in a ballgame or you're not going to win it, it's that simple. And so, this is two or three weeks in a row that we've been talking about it. So trust me, you know how I feel about it. I'm sure you guys have your own thoughts [so] imagine how the players, the players feel about it. I'm telling you [that] they are very proud men [and] they want to get this thing straight so that's where we're at."

On whether he thinks the Redskins expect certain things from the offense and whether there is a carryover from year to year with a common opponent: "Well, you know, we're an individual gameplan system [so] it will be different, our plan will be different, and there are a lot of different factors that go into it. Most defenses are different from one game to another in a two-game series, much, much different; not always but normally it will be much different on their side as well as our side."

On whether confusion on offense can lead to turnovers: "Oh sure, yeah. However, I don't think that's been our case. But absolutely, and they've been doing a heckuva job with it. I believe they're tied for the lead in forced fumbles."

On his thoughts about the play of rookie G Danny Watkins: "He's coming, baby, ain't he? He's doing a good job and he'll just keep getting better. I think that choice that was made to pull him back and learn and get with [offensive line coach] Howard [Mudd] for hours and hours and hours on the field and in the classroom. And then the choice to play him last week, I think both of those choices were excellent. I think it worked just beautifully. And now, he's going to get better every day and every week. And there will be a time where he takes a step back to get forward and those types of things, but I think he's going to end up being a fine, fine football player."

On his thoughts about getting TE Brent Celek more involved in the passing game: "Well, there are a lot of things you can do, I mean, that part's simple. I will say he's doing some very important things for us in line. Now, I'll tell you last game there were probably four, maybe five, that I called specifically for him and they manned him up and Mike [Vick] went elsewhere and it was a good choice by Mike. And it was just a little bit different coverage, you know Buffalo played us much differently and that question came up, and we typically see that, so the quarterback will typically take care of those things. So it will happen for Brent, and with some of the things that we have to do right now, it will be some games [where] he'll show up in the pass game, some games he won't. But I would like to use him a little bit more, yeah."

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